
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another 6.82 miles down

I have been slacking on my blog this week...sorry!

Thursday's run

I ran on Thursday, it wasn't my favorite run.  I have every intention on going on a long run.  I was hoping for a 5-8 mile run.  When I got out onto the road it started out fine.  I decided I would go to the other Quadrant Home neighborhood first then head into McCormick Woods.  I got to the Quadrant neighborhood and that is where things started going wrong. 
My wonderful friends who took the time to cheer me on on my Nike app were a blessing and a curse that day.  Every time I would get a cheer it would pause my workout!  This has never happened to me before.  It was very frustrating to have to stop what I was doing to restart my program.  When I restarted the program, my music would freeze was a sign.  I kept running anyway thinking "it's okay, maybe it won't happen again."  Boy, was I wrong! 
After several interruptions I was having a hard time staying focused on my run.  That combined with the thoughts of the recent attack on yet another local female runner and the sun starting to set led me to abandon the long run and head for home.  Good thing program turned off for another 1/2 mile!  Oh well, I know what I ran :)

3.72 miles in 37 minutes (the distance is right but I am not sure of the time)

Sunday's run

I did my usual Sunday morning 45 minute, sweat-like-crazy, butt-kicking spin class this morning with Amy.  Then I went for a run on the treadmill.  I wasn't sure what I had left in me today because Amy had a ROCKIN' class!  I decided to at least try and get myself to run a 5k.  Well, I did it.  I tried not to let my speed go down any less then 10 minute miles.  The one big complaint I have since getting my stress fracture is that I have lost my speed.  I know I will get it back eventually...right now I am just trying to focus on getting my miles back. :)

Did I mention I am not a big fan of running on a treadmill?  I hate not having the scenery and it is so much easier for me to adjust my speed.  Plus...I OBSESS about the time time and distance.  It is torturous for me.  I finished though.  I think if I was outside my time may have been better.

So that is all for today.  3.1 miles in 30.42 minutes.

980 miles to go to complete 1000 for the year.

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